Spring. Vacation in Tyrol
When the carnival hustle and bustle in the villages of the region is over and winter is finally and officially over, the spring awakening in the Hall-Wattens region begins with Lent. Step by step, nature and the landscape are transformed into a colorful and vibrant appearance. Spring also arrives in the alleyways of Hall 's old town. Gastronomic gardens open their doors and life shifts back to the town squares. Spring in Tyrol! Enjoy a spring vacation in the Hall-Wattens region. Whether at Easter or Whitsun, spring in the region offers not only culture but also plenty of nature. Make the last turns on the slopes of the Glungezer or discover the spring-like nature in the valley on the first hike of the year. Experience traditional processions or visit a folk festival in spring.

With our guest card, the Hall-Wattens Card, we invite you to enjoy your holiday to the full! Explore the Hall-Wattens region and discover the wealth of culture and nature on offer in your vacation region. Benefit from free bus transfers within the tourist region as well as many discounts on admission to the Swarovski Crystal Worlds, guided hikes and wellness offers.