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Recipe. Tyrolean cheese dumplings

The famous Tyrolean cheese dumplings can be found in every hut or mountain pasture in Tyrol. The most difficult question that arises is: do you want the Kaspressknödel with soup or with salad today? To avoid having to make such difficult decisions after a strenuous hike, we will tell you here how you can easily cook these special and famous Tyrolean dumplings at home.

By the way: according to a survey, the best cheese dumplings in Tyrol can be found at our powerhouse Walderalm on the beautiful Gnadenwald high plateau.

Ingredients and preparation

You need the following ingredients for approx. 8 dumplings:

300 g dumpling bread or dried, crushed white bread
200 g gray cheese or other spicy mountain cheese
1 onion
100 ml milk
4 eggs
50 g butter
salt, pepper to taste
Parsley, chives to taste

This is how the famous Kaspressknödel is prepared:

Finely chop the onion and fry in butter.
Place all the ingredients in a bowl. Crumble in the gray cheese.
Mix all the ingredients well and shape into a firm mass.
Shape into flat dumplings.
Fry in a pan with hot fat until golden brown.
The choice is yours: choose salad or soup and enjoy!

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