Farmers' market. Hall in Tyrol
Best quality at fair prices!
Regional products of the highest quality at the farmers' market in the center of Hall's old town. For over 30 years, the Hall farmers' market has been an attractive meeting place for gourmets and food lovers who appreciate regional products, high quality and charming flair.
Market times Haller farmers' market:
Every Saturday from 09:00 to 12:00
Upper town square Hall in Tirol (area between Stubenhaus and pharmacy)
Every Saturday, the red and white market stalls on the upper town square sell goods from family farms: fresh fruit and vegetables, dairy products, homemade bread, jams and honey, fish, meat, bacon and sausage specialties and flowers. What grows in the local fields and gardens or is home-grown can be bought fresh.
A stroll through the market has something original about it: strolling in the open air instead of under neon lights in closed rooms, regional, healthy delicacies instead of chemically treated goods from distant countries, familiar faces and friendly conversation instead of anonymous customer processing. Visitors experience the atmosphere of the city - with all their senses: hearing, smelling, seeing, feeling.

Market tradition Hall in Tirol: tradition for more than 700 years
Market activity is not a modern phenomenon, but the revival of a centuries-old tradition. The town of Hall in Tirol can look back on a long history as one of the most important marketplaces in the country and has had market rights since the 1280s. Initially, the town mainly traded in foodstuffs from the surrounding area to supply the miners and the constantly growing population. When the people of Hall were granted the right to hold two additional annual markets, its importance as a marketplace grew beyond the region. It attracted large numbers of foreign traders to the town, where practically everything was on offer, from food to luxury goods, that the Hall merchant or ordinary citizen needed. However, the heyday of the Hall fairs came to an end in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Almost 30 years ago, the importance of Hall as a marketplace was remembered again and the Hall farmers' market was launched. At the time, this was to revitalize the town centre and as a counter-movement to the shopping centers that were drawing people into the suburbs and out of the cities at an unbridled pace. The fact that there is now a general trend towards regionality and originality as a response to globalization and its consequences is further enhancing the market. "Back to nature and back to the roots" is the motto of a whole new target group that prefers unique and natural products.