Sebastian Rieger. Priest and poet
The Roman Catholic priest and poet Sebastian Rieger, the "Reimmichl" (born May 28, 1867 in St. Veit in Defereggen; died December 2, 1953 in Heiligkreuz, Hall in Tirol) gained great fame and popularity among the population as a folk poet. After grammar school in Brixen, he attended the seminary and was ordained a priest in 1891. As a folk poet, he published his first stories and tales in the "Tiroler Volksbote". He worked there as an editor from 1897. His pseudonym "Reimmichl" dates back to this time , in reference to an original who lived in Sesto at the time, "Michl", a shoemaker who excelled as a storyteller. From 1914 until his death, he worked as a chaplain in Heiligkreuz in Hall in Tirol.

Since 1925, "Reimmichls Volkskalender" has been published (previously "Tiroler Kalender" from 1920). He wrote novels, short stories and light-hearted stories. His literary products have both entertainment and moral-religious educational value and promote identification with a Tyrolean homeland consciousness founded in this way.
To mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of Sebastian Rieger vulgo Reimmichl, the town of Hall is planning a special exhibition in the town museum in the spring.
More information will follow!
Literature selection:
- Reimmichl. The life and work of a folk poet. Dedicated to Reimmichl's 60th birthday by the Tyrolia publishing house, Innsbruck-Vienna-Munich 1927
- Herta Neurauter: Reimmichl as a Tyrolean folk storyteller and educator, dissertation, Innsbruck, 1950
- Hans Brugger: The priest of Tyrol. Reimmichl and his stories, Innsbruck 1972
- Dr. Walter W. Sackl: Reimmichl's house visit. Serious and cheerful stories. Memories. Tyrolia, Innsbruck 1989