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Long-distance hiking trail. Way of St. James

Nothing could describe the famous Way of St. James better than this proverb. After all, the Way of St. James basically consists of a number of pilgrimage routes through Europe. However, the destination is always the same: the Holy Sepulchre of the Apostle James in Santiago de Compostela in north-western Spain. The best-known Way of St. James is therefore the Spanish route from the Pyrenees to Santiago de Compostela. St. James is one of the most important saints in the world and is the patron saint of numerous towns and cities, but of course he is primarily known as the patron saint of pilgrims. His attribute is the scallop shell, which is why many pilgrims wear it visibly - usually on their rucksacks.

Parts of the route were already built in the first half of the 11th century. The burial site in Santiago de Compostela became the third main destination for Christian pilgrims in the Middle Ages, alongside Rome and Jerusalem.
The route network has been continuously developed since 1980. The main branch of the Way of St. James in Austria is largely the result of a private initiative by the author Peter Lindenthal, who began in 1997 to open up an east-west route from Wolfsthal to Feldkirch based on the medieval Way of St. James by researching the terrain. Since then, several sections have been signposted, e.g. the Way of St. James in the Weinviertel region, the Way of St. James in Western Styria, the Way of St. James Göttweig-Melk, the Way of St. James in Upper Austria and Salzburg, the Way of St. James in Tyrol and then the Way of St. James Landeck-Einsiedeln.

"I set foot on the earth with mindfulness, knowing that I am walking on a wonderful earth."

The Tyrolean Way of St. James consists mainly of forest and cycle paths and is best walked between May and October. It leads through the Hall - Wattens region from Gnadenwald to Thaur, passing beautiful places of power in the region such as St. Martin in Gnadenwald, the Marienbasilika Absam or the Romedikirchl high above the village of Thaur.

Please contact us if you are looking for suitable accommodation for pilgrims. We are at your disposal to make your pilgrimage an unforgettable experience.

The Way of St James in the Tyrol


Pilgrim Walk

16,02 km

04:15 h

359 hm

360 hm

920 m


Vacation. The whole year

Spring. Vacation in Tyrol
Summer. Vacation in Tyrol
Fall. Vacation in Tyrol
Winter. Vacation in Tyrol