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Klumpern. Tyrol

Klumperspaß takes place once a week in Tulfes. The ultimate pleasure on skis and fun for young and old!

The great thing about it: you don't need to be a top athlete. Children, parents and even grandparents whizz down the easy slope and show off their skills in the racing slalom.

Our Klumperspass is held weekly on Fridays from the end of December to the beginning of March in Tulfes from 19:00. Locals and guests alike are welcome, regardless of their ability - from beginners to professionals. It promises fun and entertainment for all participants!

Contact and information:
Ludwig Moser (chairman), Tel. +43 (0)676 3049980
Tourism Association Region Hall - Wattens Tel.: +43 (0)5223 45544-0

After a visit to the 1972 World Tobogganing Championships in Olang (South Tyrol), visitors to Tulf noticed a special vehicle that the locals called the "Rennböckele". This was a kind of single-skid toboggan. An iron rail was attached under the carrier board and a wooden seat was mounted across it. The people of Tulf were so impressed that they built a replica at home.

As no one could remember the actual name of this winter sports vehicle, the term "Klumper" was quickly invented in Tulfes. And in the same year, the "Klumperverein Tulfes" was founded. A short time later, the people of Tulfes replaced the original iron rail with a ski and this form of Klumper has been retained to this day.

Saturdays at 13:00
From 01.12. to 31.03. there is a crash course on Saturdays.
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