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Churches & Monasteries. In Gnadenwald

Parish church of St. Michael - Gnadenwald
The ancient settlement of Wald, renamed Gnadenwald in 1680, already had a centrally located St. Michael's Church very early on alongside St. Martin's Church in Ausserwald. It was first mentioned in documents in 1337, but probably existed around 300 years earlier. The tower and its immediate surroundings still show the remains of the Gothic period, as do the long, narrow church windows. Ceiling frescoes by Johann Anton Kirchebner, 1730. In 1825, the church had once again become too small and was extended, which is why it is now too long in relation to its width.

St. Martin's Monastery - Gnadenwald
A hunting lodge with a chapel in honor of St. Martin is said to have stood on this site as early as the 11th century. First documented mention in 1337. Later, a hermitage was founded here, which was inhabited by two forest friars. In 1499, the nun Magdalena Götzner from Hall and her daughter built a new monastery. From 1935 to 2019, the Tertiary Sisters of St. Francis from Hall lived in the long-abandoned cells and ran a guest house here. St. Martin's was restored in 1950 and 1957.

Chapel "Maria Schutz" - Gnadenwald
In 1965-67, a chapel was built on the eastern slope above the Walderalm, which was consecrated under the name "Maria Schutz" and built as a thank-you from war returnees for surviving the Second World War.

It is possible to visit the chapel.

Places of power in Gnadenwald

Vacation. The whole year

Spring. Vacation in Tyrol
Summer. Vacation in Tyrol
Fall. Vacation in Tyrol
Winter. Vacation in Tyrol